Transforming children –  our Living Legacy

Our focus is to bring hope and restoration to the most vulnerable children of all backgrounds. We nurture and help them discover their purpose, inspired by Christian principles.

Jeremiah 1:5 TPT “Before I shaped you in the womb, I knew you intimately. I had divine plans for you before I gave you life, and I set you apart and chose you to be mine. You are my prophetic gift to the nations.”

Our Mission

Covenant Homes of Hope is a non-profit organization created to help restore the lives of children who are without hope. Our purpose is to provide a nurturing environment that includes education, life skills training, and moral development. Our mission is to build homes within farming communities throughout the United States. This is the environment we chose to nurture and train children to become morally responsible and productive adults.

We believe every child has gifts and talents unique to them. We are here to guide their growth and help them discover their talents and purpose. We recognize helping to shape a generation is also shaping a legacy. We prepare, think, and act with generations in mind.

Inspiration and Living Legacy

Covenant Homes of Hope was created by Warren and Linda Shafer and inspired by Warren’s parents, Lloyd and Jane Shafer. Lloyd was a navy pilot and instructor committed to serving his country and community.

Lloyd and Jane Shafer married in 1941 and chose the farming community in Chatsworth, Illinois to raise their family. Both agreed this was the best lifestyle for their children to flourish and become morally responsible.

They were pillars in their community. Lloyd was well known throughout the community for his generosity and spirit of hospitality. He loved people and willingly helped others in their time of need.